Oh yeah, Vanessa and Da'vonne are going to have something happen to them.
Goddamn, Shelli looks fine as fuck.
Damn Liz
Damn Becky
What the actual fuck is this. Kill it with fire.
Oh Jeff has a very punchable face too.
Time for the HOH room!
Love this guy
God Jace is so fucking annoying. If he showmances with anybody, I'll be pissed. Even Meg.
Haha "Saying you're from Scranton, Pennsylvania. That's where that Office show is from"
Haha Jackie and annoying face are talking about wanting to create distance, then Audrey walks in on them in bed together. They are not good at this.
Geez, what possessed Meg to get those glasses?
Time for a twist. The BB Fast Forward. Okay, they can't be nominated this week. That was not that surprising.
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. They get to take one houseguest with them!
Da'vonne don't want to save her alliance members. Hehehe. And Shelli's getting paranoid.
Dude I think Liz is positioned so well. I think she can get really far. She's my favorite.
Hehe, Da'vonne asks if the dentist is really a dentist.
Da'vonne saves Liz!
And Vanessa saves Austin! She just put a huge target on her back I'm pretty sure.
Hahahah Austin and Jace are calling themselves ShellTown.
Hahahaha Clay asks if Shelli has kids. This is so going to happen. Hahahha. I want this to happen.
And now Da'vonne's talking to Audrey about Shelli! This is why we don't form day 1 girl's alliances
Haha so they want to get out Jace. This is not going to end up well.
Steve is trying to alliance up with Da'vonne. I want a showmance here. Get. Get it.
So they're planning on backdooring Jace.
Steve is making it difficult. Uh oh. He's going to be the new target.
Here come the nominations
First nomination: Dentist
Second nomination: Becky
James's nominations now
First nomination: Steve
Second nomination: Jackie
What the fuck is Audrey wearing? It's the first week and she's already just completely given up.
Hehe Audrey's celebrating like a 15 year old girl on the inside. Which is ironic because she was never a 15 year old girl. Hehehe
Dance party in the pantry
Time for Steve and Jackie to talk.
Hehe Steve telling her not to get cocky. Hahahahhahaa. What a mood killer. I love this guy.
Oooh Becky is salty
Time for Battle of the Block!
Haha "As a dancer, I have really good balance, so I know I'm going to do really well in this challenge." - Jackie
I love me some Jackie
Hehe Steve is a total noob.
Damn Meg has boobs. Where did those come from?
Becky and the dentist win!!!!! Yeeeeeeeee
Hehe I can see Jackie as an eternal pawn. I like her.
And that's it for this episode! Will they actually succeed in backdooring Jace? Probably not. But it will be fun to watch anyways!
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