Sunday, August 3, 2014

Big Brother 16.14 - Live Blog

More Big Brother! I haven't watched in a while!

Will Hayden and Nicole make it offish? HELL NOOOO. Hayden, get out.

Le Cody tears after noms.

Lol, if he puts me up next week, I"m going to kick you in the nuts.

Hahahah Victoria just walking around like a weirdo.

Mmmmmm, Donny's suspicious of Derrick being a kingpin! Rifts forming in Team America!

Donny now suspicious of a big alliance! Oh damn

Hahahahahha calling out Zach and Victoria

Oh man, Caleb talking about his alliance with the Detonators. Awkards.

News from the outside world! Oho

Frankie's grampy is dead. Le tears.

Damnnn, Amber looks damn fine.

Le awkard silence.

The laziest people are Nicole, Caleb, Christine, and Derrick! Hahahahaha.

What do Nicole's friends and family think of Hayden? I promise you they hate him

Ewww so fugly.

HAHAHAHA Nicole's mom is fat.

Hahaahhahahahahaha Hayden's a little weird I think. Because he's always trying to make sex with Nicole!

These kids. I love em.

Her brother don't like Hayden :) HAHAHAHHAHA



Damn, Brittany's legs.

Hahaha, could Brittany look more uninterested in what Donny's saying?

Jocasta up first! She vote to evict Brittany!

Nicole up next! She votes to evict Brittany!

Hayden's only true ally is Nicole. Because he has no friends. Because he's gross

Daaaaaamber. Looks fine even in leopard print.

Derrick votes to evict Brittany.

Caleb Crawdaddy votes out Brittany! Boooo.

Oooooh, Victoria happily votes to evict the conniving Brittany. Sassy as hell.

Bye bye Milfy Magee.

Oh it's been so hard being away from her kids. Who saw that coming?

Damn, her sons are really really blonde. Really really really blonde.

Time for HOH! Question based Jeopardy game! With the songs! I like this one too!

Hahahhahaha Christine calls for Donny and Jocasta! Ferocious competition!

Derrick's gonna throw it so Frankie can see his grampy. Daww. How nice.

Zach wins! So him and Frankie are HOH!

Hahahhaaha Zach with his handshakes with everybody.

That was a prety boring episode. I hope the next one is better!

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