Sunday, August 3, 2014

Big Brother 16.17 - Live Blog

Man, Julie keeps hating on Camber. It's gonna happen.

Uh oh, Caleb now regretting his decision?

Amber and Frankie talking!

Hahaha you know how passionate Caleb can be! Lolololol

Caleb gonna read the Bible to Amber! About trust! Awwww, it didn't happen

Hahahahah Caleb staring out the window like a creeper.

Lol Frankie totally playing Caleb. Hahahahhahahaha. I love this.

Uh oh, Beast Mode Cowboy is gonna come out!

HAHAHHA Zach asking if Amber likes Caleb.

Oooh Amber's crying! She obviously loves him too much!

Oooh, now Amber says she's going after Caleb!

And Caleb's about to go ham! Woooooooo

Hahahhahaa Team America to vote against the house! Donny and Derrick gotta vote against the house and blame it on 2 people! I love this one!

Time fo eviction!

Victoria votes to evict the fakest of them all, Amber! This bitch is so sassy!

Donny votes to evict Amber! Booooooooooooooooo

Hahaha Caleb and Zach's greeting was gold.

Caleb Crawdaddy evicts his beautiful girl Amber

Damn, another unanimous vote! Lol, Amber's eyes when Julie said her name

Amber: I love you guys

Obviously directed towards Caleb Crawdaddy.

Damn, she's so legsy.

Caleb: That's what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

Amber so sassy in her interview.

Caleb Crawdaddy discussion time! Ask about Cody! Yeeeeeee

Amber: Cody's like a brother to me. Whaaaaaale. Le franzoned hard.

Amber: Donny's running that house. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA

Omg, I forsee a Victoria HOH coming up. I really hope so.

Okay nvm, it's a memory based one. Let's say Christine and Jocasta hahahaha.

Oh lol, Jocasta's out. Hand of god not with her.

Nicole is doin it fast! She knows it too well!

Nicole is freaking steps and bounds in front of everybody else!

Lol Julie: We did whaaat?

Damn, Victoria, Christine and Derrick all fail. I really failed at my predictions.

Damn Nicole, it ain't a race!

Julie making us wait to find out the HOH!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Awww yeah double eviction coming up this week. Yeeeee

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