Time for even more Big Brother!
Brittany went home, no doubt about it!
Haha, Amber's girl alliance. Damn. This needs to happen.
Hahahaha Zach is coming after Amber! Oho
HAHAHHAHA Zach's elaborate handshake injured Amber.
Oooh ,Cody gave Amber le hug. It's so goin on!
Zach: That was the best hug I've had in my entire life. Lolololol, I love this guy.
Lol hasta nunca.
Zach talking to Caleb Crawdaddy about Amber! Ruh roh.
Camber talk! Oohh, Amber's figuring it out! All out war coming!
Little broski right here! Lolololol. Zach is the best!
Christine talking with Frankie! HAHAHAHA Zach: you're going to have to take one for the team this week! You're going to have a severe case of narcolepsy in Battle of the Block. Hahahahhaha
Hahahha Zach is pissed because Christine is useless and won't throw BotB.
Hahah Amber: What if I said I'll go on a date with you if you eat a pickle? HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Damnnnn. Caleb eating the pickle! Things we do for love.
This country boy is going to take Amber on a date! YEEEEE BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Caleb shaving his arms hahahahaha
Caleb: Haha they all do hammock dates. I wanted a candlelit date. I figured it would be nice.
Oh Caleb. Oh Caleb. Omg, so sad. Nooooooooooooooooooooo.
This is what hope dying looks like.
Hahaha they're starting to doubt Zach.
Zach and Nicole having game talk!
Haha do you trust her with your life? Nicole: I don't know if I trust anyone in here with my loyyyfe.
Hahahahhahahaha so cute.
Oooh, Zach telling Nicole that him and Cody are more than just friends. Oho, revealing alliances!
Ooh, Cody and Derrick gonna work together!
Hahahhahaha time to think of another name! 20 minute deadline! I love this!
If we constantly have to explain it, it's not a good name.
Hahahahahah the Hitmen.
Frankie nominates Jocasta and Victoria ahhahahhahahhahahhahahha.
Zach nominates Nicole! Ruh roh.
Uh oh, time for the Big Brother Dictionary speech.
Lol, oh Nicole.
Oh man, no argument. Boooo.
Awwwww, Nicole's crying. GET OUT HAYDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha Christine: That's cute. Cute denial, but okay. HAahahahhahahaa
Jocasta Victoria talk! How is Victoria weak? She keeps winning!
Hahhahaha Victoria and Jocasta's cake.
HAHHAHA Crickets. Again. So sassy.
HAHAHA Jocasta and Victoria look so awkward.
Oh man, it's going down to the last second! Victoria's slipping!!!!!!!
Hey old Jocasta, you still there? Yes I am. So sassy.
It is so on
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