Saturday, January 31, 2015

Grimm 1.03 - Beeware

Yee more Grimm!

So it starts out with this fine ass lady getting on a really crowded bus. This really shady guy pulls out this huge thing from his bag that seems like a bomb, but it ends up being a radio. It's a flash mob and everybody's dancing to YMCA! Except the hot lady. She just seems confused. So then on the next stop, everybody gets off the bus, except the hot lady never gets out. Ruh roh.

White guy and black guy get called into the scene. I know black guy's name is Hank, but I really don't know white guy's name. So Asian guy who works with them calls them over, and shows them the hot girl. She's all puffed up, and it looks like she went into anaphylactic shock. So they suspect a bee sting. But white guy finds a puncture wound, so they're like: this shit is a homicide.

So then they go to the coroner lady, and she's like: it's 50 mg of apitoxin (bee sting venom - helping you learn fran) and usually bees only give 0.1 mg of apitoxin. This shit definitely a homicide.

Then they go to the bee professor who analyzed the apitoxin samples. He's like: it's definitely exotic, but it also has traces of something else so I don't know where it came from.

So white guy and black guy start questioning people who were in the flash mob. But they all say it was just a random tweet and they didn't know anybody. White guy asks this guy to show him the tweet, but that guy doesn't want to. So white guy reaches for his phone and the guy like takes his phone back off the table, and he turns into like this thing with stingers all over his skin! So he's like a giant bee or something.

So white guy and black guy follow him to this abandoned warehouse, and they see him talking to this other guy who was in the flash mob, so they know they were lying. But there's this other lady there that they can't really get a good view of. Then a swarm of bees comes and chases them, but they get into this little toll booth thing somehow without any bees getting in there with them. Eventually the bees go away, and black guy only has 12 stings.

White guy calls his bromantic Blutbad friend to talk with him, and they talk about how the gigantic bees, which are called mellifers, do. They only bite when threatened, and they're known for being gossips. So if they're going on social media, some shit is up and they're trying to deliver a message. 

Mellefers only have one true enemy: hexenbiests. Okay, here's the thing with Grimm. Nothing's familiar. That's why Once Upon a Time works, but what the fuck are all these things. Just call Blutbads wolves and mellifers giant bees. That would be so much more helpful. Not familiar still, but just helpful.

So Blutbad friend, being the wolf that he is, smells the unknown lady's perfume. Then he sniffs a seat really good. But when I do that, people look at me weird. Whale.

White guy finds files on her and apparently she the CEO I guess of the paper company the warehouse was of. So they just go to her mansion. And just walk in an apparently open door. 

Then white guy steps on a bunch of dead bees on the floor. This is so creepy. I should not be watching this in the dark

They open a door, and it's just full of hives. Oh damn.

So the police come, and white guy explains everything to black guy. Paper company lost a lawsuit led by dead hot girl and the two guys who knew each other were employees. 

And there's been another flash mob murder. Oh shit. It's another lawyer who was working the case against the paper company with the first dead hot girl.

White guy knows there was a 3rd lawyer on the case, so he tells people to take that lawyer into protective custody. They go back to the police station, and it's the hot blonde monster chick!

Well hellofa.

White guy goes to the morgue to see the dead girls' tongues. Oh so he was reading his bald aunt's notes earlier, and it had something about a spot on the tongue of monsters that appeared in their human form too. I'm not sure if it's all monsters or just a certain breed of monsters. But since 3rd lawyer he knows is a monster, he went to the morgue to check it out. And they did have the mark. Oh damn.


Shit gets tense between white guy and the hot monster chick. Ruh roh.

Oh okay. Shit major breakthrough. So monster chick's boss is white guy's boss! I thought they looked alike, but I always think that about white guys with gray hair. So that's why he was asking white guy if he knew her. They could have made that a lot clearer earlier. And now monster chick is talking with her boss, saying that white guy recognizes her. Apparently white guy's name is Burkhardt.

Mmmmmm those eyes.

So they trick the employee guy they have detained into sending a message to the CEO lady. He tells her that they know nothing so she should attack the third lawyer.

So you see this lady with blonde hair walking and all this stuff. But then she gets in the elevator and you see she's a decoy!

Meanwhile, our blonde monster chick is safe and looking fine. 

She tells them thanks, and white guy  gets super intense and says he's just doing his job.

He tells her he knows what she is. A hexenbiest. Which is the mellefer's enemy. 

Oh damn, then there's a scene where the CEO and the bee professor are in the same car! And the bee professor turns into a giant bee! This is crazy!

So the CEO opens her window and says "The bees will find her" and a shit ton of bees come flying out!

Black guy is in the bathroom, then he finds bees coming in through a crack in the window! So he's trying to fight them off. 

Ooh intense hot monster chick. Yummeh.

Shit gets intense. White guy then goes to help black guy with the bees since he calls for help, but the bees go away after a while. A shadow overcomes the room that the hot monster chick is in, and they return to the room and bees are covering the windows and hot monster chick is nowhere to be seen!

So they try to find Adalind, and white guy ends up finding the CEO lady. She tells him that they need to get rid of "him" and that they're on white guy's side. Is "him" white guy and Adalind's boss? This is crazy!

Oooh damn catfight! CEO is fighting Adalind. Oh, Adalind is the hot monster chick in case I never aid that. 

Adalind is yelling that white guy needs to do his duty as a cop to protect her, but CEO is saying that him being a Grimm is far more important. Black guy finally arrives, then white guy shoots the CEO! As she dies, she says "He's coming for you. Beware. It's close"

Then Adalind gives him this stare. Sexy and intense.

White guy is sleeping with in his bed, then goes to close the window. Then he finds a single bee. And he gets stung. Shit!! I have no idea what anything means, but it's exciting!

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