Saturday, July 26, 2014

Big Brother 16.12 Live Blog

Woooo!!! Time fo another week of Big Brother!

Yeee Jocasta and Brittany get 1 egg! 2 eggs! Somebody want to see their babies!!!

Victoria getting screen time! But no more.

Damn, Jocasta and Brittany are getting it. Lots like someone wants to see their family! Lol. Overdone.

Uh oh, Zach just said he loves Amber. Wrath of Caleb Crawdaddy coming.

Lol Victoria and Christine are sucking.

Haha now you're lookin like studs. What a bro.


Hahahhaa she sucks.

Jocasta: You definitiely have to be EGGstra careful in this competition.

Hahahahhahaha. She's invited to my wedding. She'll be wearing white.

Frankie and Donny's were reaches. Not everyone can match up to Jocasta.

Zach and Amber are in the lead! Gogogogogo Jocasta and Brittany!

Damn Amber's nimble fingers! 

Zach fighting for his little broski. I love this guy.

Hahaha Zach is awesome.


Frankie's really annoying.

Lol they won't dare to put Caleb up. 

Haha obviously we're putting up Victoria and Jocasta. I hate when my two sides conflict.

Oooh, choco pudding nom noms. With Brittany Donny talk. 

His little sister Ariana Grande? Ooohh. Use that famewhoring.


Frankie crying already. With a letter from his sister. Who is Ariana Grande. If you've forgotten.

Ewwww Hayden and Nicole cuddle sesh. Get out Hayden. 

Lol, this is the five. Zach, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, and .... CHRISTINE?!?!?!?! AHHAHAHHAHAHA

Time for naming the five person alliance? 

Can't hate this face. Lolololol

Jiggly Jokers hahahahahahha. Jaeger bombs. Welp, he's not good at this. Lol The Detonators. 

Oh man they're so weird.

Hayden Cody bro talk. Hayden is gross. He's so gross. Get out.

Lol talking about Zac Efron. 

Cody's all about romantic movies. 

Haha no, not even close. Cody so sassy

Donny: Ain't he got the bushy eyebrows?

Hayden's man crush is Leonardo di Caprio. No one cares. Get out.

Team America to put up a physical threat on the block. I bet it's gonna be Brittany. Frankie's so annoying.

Oh, Amber.

Donny. It has to be a physical threat? So it has to be a guy? Hahahaha

Brittany saying she don't throw herself at Cody. Whale. She's the old girl in the house. Talofs new Kathy.

Mmmmm, Cody is pissed that Brittany thinks he's gonna make noms based on personal reasons! Damn, he's defensive for being a recruit.

Cody and Brittany talk time. Oh Brittany done fucked up.


Dat pushes his buttons!!! IT IS SO ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dat look. Dat lick lip. She obv wants the D.

Amber: You're like my best guy friend in the house. Whaaaale. 

Mmm, Caleb fine with putting Amber on the block! 

Caleb says that her playing him won't work. He's over that. YEEE BUDDY!!!!!!

Hahhaha all laughing at Victoria. That girl

Lol who's getting Victoria? Jocasta: You

Nobody wants to sleep with Victoria. Nicole doesn't mind sleeping with Victoria. She don't bug her at all. How niice :)

Lol Brittany getting pissed. 

HAHHAHAHHAA I LOVE VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best segment evar

Nomination time! 

Jocasta looking up at the heavens. 

Bundiddly looking fuggos.

Cody nominates: Victoria and Brittany.

I don't like how they don't say the name when they turn the keys. It's awkward.

Jocasta don't like that she been nominated.

Frankie nominates: Jocasta and Amber

Hahahhahahahahahahha Brittany: He's comparing me to Victoria. We don't even know if she's playing the game.

Sassy Jocasta gon compete for the Battle of the Block. Best believe that.

Victoria Cody chat time! SECRET SHOWMANCE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Victoria's going to fight her heart out. Look out!



REPLACE HAYDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well hello Jocasta. Way to be an awkward third wheel.

Jocasta's getting tired of Brittany's emotional breakdowns. 

Brittany: Victoria, you good? I can tell

It is so on!

Hayden is so gross.

Ooh, knight game.

Damnnn, Amber's legs. And Brittany's mom boobs. 

Jocasta gon pray. Amber's going to get trapped. Actually Jocasta is gonna get trapped. Omg Victoria's going to win.

Dat smile :)

Oh Brittany's trapped first.

And Jocasta's trapped also. AMBER VS VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!

Caleb: I bet Amber's sweating so many bullets she wishes she had her knight in shining armor. Hahahha I love this guy

Oooh, Amber's got her trapped

Hahhahaa I don't know what this was, but it was funny.

Don't mess with Jocasta. What Frankie? Huh? Who? Jocasta and Amber. Yeah.

Hahahahahhahaha Jocasta is so sassy. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Hahha Jocasta doing the dadadadadada thing again. So weird

Mmmmm Cody don't know what's on happen. He's got his eye on Caleb! Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

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