Friday, January 31, 2014

Dateline Mystery on Lockhart Road

Oh my gosh, why did I watch Dateline in the dark at night again? I never learn. Either way, I can blog about how scary this is.

So this guy, David Camm, comes home from playing basketball, and then he opens the garage door, and sees his wife dead in her car with blood spilling out. Then he checks on his kids who are in the backseat, and they're both dead. He tries CPRing his son, but couldn't save him.

So we hear his 911 call and he's like freaking out, and they're like go to his house. So they go through all procedures and they have to question him. He's a policeman (and he knows all of the police people), so he understands and does all the questioning. So they talk and whatever.

A few days pass, then they bring him back, and these people start accusing him. They get back the blood spatter analysis, and it's consistent with shooting from short range. And the wife's pants were off, suggesting a sexual assault., but she wasn't actually raped. And the daughter's genitalia was bruised or something, suggesting molestation, but her hymen was intact. And then the weirdest thing was that the wife's shoes were neatly put on top of the car.

So people are like, this guy staged the entire thing with his wife and all that stuff, and they begin the trial. And they have this evidence that David made a phone call from his landline at 7:15 PM, which conflicts with his story and meets up with the death timeline. So they think he played basketball, came back home to kill everybody, then went back to playing basketball.

But he was playing basketball, so there's a bunch of guys who said he could have never left. His uncle Sam was there, and he really believes that there's no way David could have done it. This is where you know this shit happened a long time ago (15 years) because Uncle Sam looks older than hell.

And then, they call up a Verizon employee, who says that they just had the time zones messed up, so he didn't make the call at 7:15, but at 6:15. Which in my mind is the weakest ass thing I've ever heard. How does that happen? C'mon.

But the prosecutor, which is a fat guy with a chin strap beard, brings up the fact that David cheated on his wife.

So he's like, this guy is a scumbag because he used his badge to get laid and sleep with random women. And he gets a bunch of women to testify about David and how horrible of a husband he is pretty much.

The defense brings up a sweatshirt found at the crime scene that says backbone, and how it had DNA from an unidentified male. They says it's the kind of sweater that prisons give to inmates. They run it through the national database, but get no matches, so that evidence is no help.

So it goes to jury, and after 3 days, they convict David with triple murder, and he's sentenced to like 190 years in prison.

But Uncle Sam, old guy extraordinaire, won't give up. He goes back and hits the books because he knows that David is innocent.

So after David has spent like 3 years in the clink, Uncle Sam is still going hard at it. So he asks them to run the DNA from the sweater through the database again in case someone did get arrested since then.

It does match up with this guy, Charles Boney, who has been in and out of jail for stealing women's shoes and eventually kidnapping them or something.

So they get an appeal for David, where his super Jewish lawyers say that they shouldn't have put all the women up on the stand because they have no real bearing to a triple murder trial. So they get a retrial.

So they question Charles Boney, but he denies knowing anything or knowing any of the family. Then they find his handprint on the car the family was in, and they start questioning him even deeper.

So he makes up a bunch of stories, but then he gives his story where he did know David Camm from playing pickup basketball, and he was there to deliver a gun to him.

So the story is actually pretty crazy, so I'll try to explain the entire thing. So he was fresh out of prison and playing basketball, then David Camm and friends came to play a pickup game. They won, and David was trash talking, and Charles was like: It's alright. At least I have my freedom. So they start talking and then they don't meet for a while.

Then, one week after the murder, they meet at like a 7/11 and they start talking again. Then, David asks him why he was in jail, then asks if he can get an untraceable gun. So this guy says yes, and later that day he gets him a gun for some money. Then, David asks for another gun to be delievered to his house on Thursday night at 7 PM. Suspiciously accurate, right?

So he goes to give him the gun, wrapped in his sweater. He gets paid, and then he hears a pop when he leaves and a woman commandingly saying "No". Then he hears two more pops and the children screaming. Then, he sees David pointing the gun at him. He tries to pull the trigger, but the gun jams.

So since Charles knows he doesn't have any more bullets, he goes after David. And this is the best part. So the host guy asks why he didn't just run, and Charles goes:

Charles Boney: Even on prison terms, if someone comes at me with a shank, I'm going to come and get it, and it's my turn.

So he goes after David, but David retreats into his house, and Charles trips over the wife's shoes. He picks them up, checks on the kids but is careful not to touch them so as not to leave any DNA evidence, puts the shoes on top of the car without thinking, then hears David getting his other gun so he runs.

So during this second trial, prosecution is this hotshot Mexican lawyer, and both Boney and Camm get convicted of murder as partners. But the crazy thing is that Boney was actually in prison before the first trial, so he should have shown up in the database search.

But the investigator said they got samples mixed up, and Chinstrap Magoo goes with that story, while the lawyers say how improbably that is.

So David is in prison even longer, and then they find a handprint on the car that's a match for Boney. They do a shit ton of questioning and look for more evidence. They use touch DNA analysis, and found that Boney touched the kids, contrary to his stories.

Eventually Camm is declared not guilty.

His mother in law and his father in law still think he did it, so they're angry at the verdict.

This was a really creepy episode. But since they interviewed Camm in street clothes, you could tell everything was going to work itself out for him anyways. I might be able to go to sleep. We'll see.

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