Sunday, February 9, 2014

Big Brother 5.01 Live Blog

Time for the Big Brother Season 5 Premiere!

Julie Chen coming out and saying 13 different contestants from 13 different states for the first time ever, so they are total strangers. But they might have more in common than they know.

Awwwww shit!

Julie Chen looking sweaty as fuck.

Now for houseguest montages!

Karen (blonde paintier): I'm going to paint the houseguests into a corner
Jase (firefighter): I'm going to get all the ladies fired up
Jennifer (has purple hair, looks like Nakomis from season 7): I always stand out in a crowd
Marvin (big bald black man digging in a graveyard): I'm going to bury the competition
Diane (waitress in a casino): The odds are in my favor
Drew (standing with his twin bro): I'm going from twin brother, to Big Brother
Mike (looks like a boring middle aged guy, I can't figure out his gimmick): I'm going to call a freak a freak, and let it fly
Holly (super hot blonde who is a lingerie model): Ditzy is my strategy
Michael (cowboy): My heart is as big as my belt buckle
Adria (doing pushups): I'm going to push it to the limit
Scott (working out): I'm the player from Pittsburgh, what you see is what you get
Lori (doing yoga): I'm going to stretch my stay as long as possible
Will (doctor? Seems super gay): This summer, the houseguests are going to get a taste of my medicine

I miss the days where contestants had gimmicks. Mike, Adria, and Scott had shitty gimmicks, but otherwise it looks fun.

HAHAHHAA Holly has a mannekin in her bedroom while she's packing. It's gonna be a good season.

Lori looks a lot like Lisa from BB3

Big Brother, here they come!

Big Brother twist: Project Do Not Assume -> Codename Project DNA

Because for the first time, two of the houseguests are related by blood, and they have no idea of the connection.


Actually I know the twists to this season pretty much. Damn Youtube recommending me irresistible videos! I'm just not really sure who wins, so that will be good.

Find out who these family members are, later in the show.

Now they're entering the house:

First group: Adria, Lori, Jase, and Michael

Jase saying jackpot :)

Next: Jennifer, Holly, Scott, Marvin, and Drew

Damn, Holly is so hot.

Marvin takes the cot as part of his strategy to take one for the team

Final group: Diane, Karen, Will, and Mike

Damn, Karen is super fine too. This is going to be a great season

Michael taking charge and telling everybody to introduce themselves

Marvin is a mortician
Holly is from Hollywood. Gay Will thinks she sweet, but shouldn't do any long division.
Karen is a Jersey girl, who is a portrait artist. She hates Marvin because he's over the top and dominating the conversation


Lori is from Boston, Marvin likes what he sees
Adria is from Alabama
Will is from Mississippi
Scott was a pro football player, has a degree in business
Mike is from Detroit, he paints commercial buildings and has two sons.

Holly: Who's babysitting?
Mike: Both their mothers!


Jase high fiving him as playas do.

Drew just graduated from Miami Ohio with a business degree like Scott

Drew pic for the ladies

Lori saying both Drew and Scott are cute, while looking smokin' as hell herself.

Diane is from Texas, has a twin sister. Drew bonds over the fact that he has a twin brother

Diane passes the ball to Jase, and you can see the lust in her eyes.

Jase went to the Air Force after high school, and is now in the process of becoming a firefighter.

Jennifer prefers to be called Nakomis. Alright, they're the same person. Whale. It means daughter of the moon.

Diane says it sounds Indian.

Nakomis has 6 tattoos. Jase says she'll have a hard time fitting in because she's so different.

Michael rides bulls. Nakomis thinks he's unique and nice.

Time for food competition!

They go into the backyard, and there's a gigantic DNA structure. There are balls attached to the structure, which have foods that they have to grab as they walk through the ladder (the internal H-bonds). They have like 75 seconds to get across, or they get no food at all. Oh ,and this DNA structure is rotating, so that will be fun.

This is a beautiful challenge.

Michael's first up to go! He does pretty good.
Jase is next up. He gets beer, much to the satisfaction of the lushes in the house (everybody)

He dances with his bag of balls, because why not?

Drew gets across well.
Will almost falls, but gets across
Nakomis/Jennifer talks about how the trick was leg power, she did pretty good)
Karen gets like 5 balls, so that sucked
Lori gets across
Holly runs out of time
Scott gets across
Michael cheering as Adria gets pineapple
Diane gets across
Mike gets across
Marvin got 2 balls! Hahaha

Now we see what balls they got.

Lori got lobster tails! Then Julie tells her to hold onto the lobster tail ball. I smell twist!

Julie Chen telling them do not assume. She tells Lori to open up the Lobster Tails ball, and inside is a key! She uses the key to open this box.

And there's $10,000 in cash in the box!!!!!

Julie tells Lori that money is hers to keep!


If she takes the money, everybody has to eat PB&J for the week!

She gets time to think, but she can't talk to her housemates about it.

Oh Julie Chen, you so tricky.

Oh my gosh. If she says no to the $10,000, she must pass the offer onto the next person in the line.

Julie asks if she trusts her housemates with the same decision. Uh oh!

The houseguests, particularly Michael, tell her to take it!

And Lori takes the money! Everybody's on PB&J! And that's how she got the bootaroonie!

Marvin now complaining about Lori.

Everybody now complaining about Lori.

Lori thinks they won't hold it against her. This is so sad.

Will is an evil genius, because he told her to take it so the house would have a scapegoat.

I don't know if ferocious dental hygiene is a thing, but Jase would be the poster child for it. He's going at his tongue with passion.

Lori asking around if there's a gay guy. Jase asks Gay Will if he's the gay guy, but Gay Will denies it.

Then Gay Will tells Lori that he wants to break out the Gay Card at the right time.

Lori happy she found the gay. She feels close to Gay Will.

Obligatory hot Karen pic.

Marvin breaks his cot on the first night.

Bro alliance forming for sure between Jase, Michael, Drew, and Scott

Haha it's a bunch of buff guys, and Michael, who is a skinny ass pale motherfucker.

Gay Will talking strategy to Karen, seems like there's an alliance forming between Gay Will, Karen, and Lori

Julie Chen looks super tan. She's definitely been fake tanning.

Project DNA: Michael and Nakomis have the same father! Julie Chen didn't take the time to build the anticipation. Michael never met his father, Nakomis has known her father for her entire life.

Story time!

Michael never met his real father. So sad.

Both born in Houston, Texas. But both moved away. Michael knows the last name of his father: Dedmon, but that's it. And that he served in the military and got half his foot blown off.

Man, Michael is such a genuine, good guy. Saying how growing up without a father inspired him to be a good father to his kid.

Awww Nakomis talking about wanting an older brother. So someone could teach her to fight. Hahahahahah

Uh oh. Julie Chen says Project DNA has just begun. You sassy bitch, always throwing twists.

Now they're sitting around the pool, and asking what each others' last names are.

Nakomis says her last name is Dedmon. It is on!

Then Michael asks where Nakomis was born, and it was Houston, Texas! And then she says he served in Vietnam, lost half his foot and got medical discharge. Then, he asks what her dad's name is, and she says Guy. Actually Arthur Guy.

The Michael knows Guy is his middle name. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg.

Michael: What happened, did he step on a land mine?

And Nakomis suspects nothing. Omg.

Michael now looking at both their pictures on the wall.

And Michael pieces together that he has a sister in the house! OMG!!!!!!

Michael asking about Nakomis's dad more. A lot. Haha.

Asking about Nakomis's dad's relationships before.

Then he asks if she ever wondered if her dad got together with a woman before and she had a brother or sister.

Haha. Then Nakomis says she had, and she asked, but her father said there wasn't.

Omg this is so weird. I can't believe she asked.

Awwwwww, this so cute. Nakomis still knows nothing.

Dude, this season is far better than last season.

Time for the first HOH competition!

Julie telling them to partner up. Will volunteers to be the odd guy out, and Julie will tell him his role later.

And it's a bunch of treadmills with a bunch of mud behind them.

It's question based and endurance, so one person walk, and the other answers questions. If the person gets a question wrong, the treadmill speeds up. Then, it's just last one standing.

Question 1: Is Nakomis a natural blonde?
Answer: Yes

Question 2: Did Michael ever flunk a class in high school?
Answer: No

Everyone got that wrong. Haha.

Question 3: Would you assume that Karen has never voted for president?
Answer: Yes

Question 4: Does Mike like romantic comedies?
Answer: Yes

Question 5: Is Jase's funniest nickname Hollywood?
Answer: Yes

Question 6: Does Diane want to take a karaoke machine into the house?
Answer: No

Question 7: Is Marvin a soap opera fan?
Answer: Yes

Marvin got it wrong! Hahaha. They hit the maximum at 8 mph. first

Question 8: Is Drew afraid of clowns?
Answer: No

Adria slips and is out.

Question 9: Would you assume that Scott is a Hilary Duff fan?
Answer: Yes

Question 10: Is one of Adria's favorite foods sushi?
Answer: No

Mike falls off

Question 11: Is Holly's choice of creatures for comfort on a desert island are a monkey, goat, and a chihuahua?
Answer: Yes

Holly gets it wrong too!
Diane falls off!

Question 12: Is Lori happiest when she's meditating?
Answer: No

Scott's at 5 mph, but it's going to ramp up every 5 minutes until they hit the maximum anyways.

Michael falls off completely!

Haha. Now just Karen and Scott are on their treadmills. Karen looks damn fine running on a treadmill.

Julie telling us that a second twist to Project DNA coming up!

Karen telling us she runs 7 miles a day for 5 days a week. Damn girl.

Now Scott maxes out, but Karen falls off.

Now Will's role. There's an envelope with a question about Will. Will gets to choose who answers it between Scott and Jase to see who becomes HOH.

Scott doesn't want to do it, so Jase is to answer

Question: Is Gay Will's dream job to open a high end restaurant in South Africa?
Answer: No

Jase answers correctly! Gay Will wants to open a medical clinic in South Africa.

Jase is HOH!

Julie Chen with the second twist: There is a set of twins switching in and out of the house playing Big Brother! They look so much alike, even their family can't tell them apart.

This is gonna be good!

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