Ugh, I don't want to study anatomy. Need more Grimm
Alright, so there's this rave, and these people at violin practice. This guy messes up and the teachers pissed. Then the teacher god home, and there's a rat in his car. Then he looks in his rear view mirror and there's a bunch of rats in his car! He's now being attacked by rats! He dead.
Oh, and the DJ for the rave is like DeadMau5 except he wears a cat head. That will probably be important.
Fat black woman teacher drives in, then she sees that there be another car in the lot. Then she sees music teacher's eaten body! Damnnnn.
Meanwhile Nick's refrigerator and freezer are broken. So they gotta eat all that food!
Nick and Hank get called in, and time to investigate!
They talk to the music students and they tell them about this kid who got suspended who has a dad who's an exterminator! Oh shit.
So they track this kid down at a trailer, and want to ask him questions, but then the dad comes and tells him not to answer any questions. Then he gets super angry and turns into a gigantic mouse! The kid runs away but Nick tackles him. The kid tells him that he knows he's a Grimm, then Nick knocks him out with a punch. Yeee
Oh, I think the kid is the DJ from the beginning. And he is!
Fat coroner woman calls them in, and tells them the guy died of a heart attack. He was on digoxin and angiotensin for his heart. You know what those do. Get. She also autopsied the rats!
Ooh, the kid follows the girl from the orchestra and starts talking to her. Apparently she knew he wasn't fighting but she didn't say anything. And he's someone "she used to care about!" OH DAMN! Dat high school love drama. Oh damn, now the girl's mother comes and tells DJ kid to stay away from her daughter and family. And she says that the father would be furious if he saw him. As he's leaving, he see's the new boyfriend.
DJ kid: You're going to pay
New boyfriend: Some of us can afford to
OH DAMN. Also, new boyfriend is wearing a fedora, so ultimate villain status
So Nick has beers with Blutgood. So gigantic mice are called Reinegen. And they're not violent unless pushed to the limit. Like every other monster they've encountered. Nick wants Blutgood to talk to Reinegen child. Whale.
Mmmmmm hot girlfriend
So the plumber is trying to fix their fridge, then he turns into a beaver or something.
And then he runs away once he sees that Nick is a Grimm. Well damn.
Hank is now drinking with Asian cop. Asian cop gets Hank to pay for his drinks. Hank leaves, and guess who he runs into
That smile.
Oh dang, they gonna get together! OH SHIT
Oh man, she says her business dinner was cancelled and she wants to buy him dinner to thank him for saving her life. OH DAMN. This guy living the dream.
Oh shit, then they pan to the police boss! It's just an act maybe! I'm confused. Damn damn damn!
Blutgood shows up at DJ Reinegen's trailer, and they're starting to talk. He just tells the kid not to blow it. Then the kid gets a phone call that his dad was injured while he was being resisting being put into a jail cell. He goes ham on his trailer and yeah. Then he opens all the rat cages that he has and burns his place down. Whale. That talk did not go well I guess.
Worst group of criminals ever. Fat kid with glasses is freaking out because the girl knows they did it. Fedora guy only got 1st chair because they got DJ Reinegen booted. Then they get a text that the DJ is having a rave. Uh oh.
They find carpeting matching the carpet in the rats' stomachs and rat poop in fedora kid's car.
DJ Reinegen walks that lonely road, followed by a bunch of mice.
Fat friend, fedora kid, emo friend, and girl are all headed to the DJ rave. Then we see DJ Reinegen just playing violin in an empty warehouse with his rats all over the floors. Uh oh, they go into the warehouse. It's dark and shit. All there is is music. The music is coming from underground, but the girl is hesitant to go down.
Then Hank and Nick pull in!
Dude this is intense. They gonna die!
The kids arrive, and DJ Reinegen wearing the cat head tells them that it's their turn. OH SHIT
He starts playing his violin and rats start coming all over the place. Holy shit. I've got chills.
But Hank and Nick come and clear the rats with gunshots.
Kids get arrested, then the Asian cop says "I guess they've got to face the music" Haha
Hello there.
The plumber comes back for his tools, and he tells hot girlfriend that Nick has no reason to come after him, then leaves. That was an anticlimactic ending. Whale
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